Quality Policy

The general policy is to provide quality products so as to make significant improvements to the toilet seat protection area with its DRYSEAT product.

We have the following objectives:

  • To produce in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations;
  • To improve and continuously maintain the effectiveness of our quality system, setting, implementing and monitoring quality objectives;
  • To work continuously focused on the loyalty of each customer, continuously meeting or exceeding their expectations;
  • To commit to continuous training so as to maintain the professional competence of employees and customers.
Logo IDS

IDS - Investigação  
Saúde, Unipessoal. Lda


Rua do Moderno, Lote 1,
Casais do Quintão
2005-021 Várzea, Santarém


Tel. (+351) 243 247 751
Llamada a red fija nacional
Email. ids@ids-indesa.com

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